respond to hanis zalikha's latest entry


in case you all x tahu siapa itu hanis zalikha, baca blog dia dalam link aku.

i've been following her blog for quite a long time.. betul2 admire dengan si cantik manis yang sangat geliga dalam penulisan blog.. dia pandai mengambil hati pembaca dia with her own style of humor, her manja-ness and of course sebab dia seorang yang cantik inside and outside.

and that's why ramai yang follow blog dia, x kira umur, jantina dan bangsa.. yang jantina lelaki tu obviously la ada niat-niat tertentu.. sampaikan ada segelintir pembaca lelaki yang terikut-ikut dengan gaya penulisan hanis zalikha. seriously i tell you bila lelaki menulis style macam tu, aku rasa itu amatlah dayus dan pondan. puh-leaseeeeeee! don't try so hard to sound funny or else you'll sound like an idiot..

and isu yang sedang hangat diperkatakan di kalangan bloggers sekarang ni, a young female teen plagiarized hanis zalikha's entries.. budak tingkatan 4 kalau x silap aku.. kesian, muda-muda lagi dah kene kutuk orang ramai.. sampaikan blog member-member dia pun dijadikan port kutukan.. and blog budak itu sudahpun didelete sebab x sanggup menanggung malu agaknya.

sebagai seorang guru aku xkan kutuk budak tu... it's very destructive.. tapi apa yang aku nak bagitahu kat sini, if you own a blog, try to make it yours originally.. although what you update xlah segempak mana, as long as it's original, xde sape pun yang akan condemn.. and kalau kene condemn pun just accept it and stick to what you write.. u are entitled to your own opinions kan?

to the plagiarist, i think the best way now is you apologize to hanis zalikha. kira beruntung la tu dapat communicate dengan dia. and hanis, i hope you forgive that girl. do what you think is best for both of you (ceh, macam dia baca je entry ni).

ok gotta stop. me signing off now..


Jimmy Ang said...

bagus entri ini.

Syeida Alli said...

tq jimmy... :)

arfz said...

Hmm.. Interesting indeed ..

What I know is that plagiarism is a crime.But if you’re following one’s writing style it is considered a process people undergo in order to write well since the girl believes HZ writing style is good. (probably..)

As for the ‘teenage’ girl, she’s still trying to search for her style of writing but seems to neglect her true writing identity n creativity since most of the contents are lifted.
I really hope she’ll find her true self by being more independent when writing. After all blogs are meant to be your own personal space..