Tiada Tajuk Yang Sesuai


how long should i keep myself silent?

my niece (bisyarah) is sleeping soundly next to me. before she fell asleep, she kept nagging about how her younger sister's loud snoring sound bugs her. "Kakak tokleh tido sebab Ain dengkur kuat gitumo.." I found it sweet and funny when she complained that. hihi.

Snoring. It surely is very distracting. Plus it brings sore to the ears when the snore sounds like drilling. I am glad i don't have this illness (does snore count as an illness?). But anyway how do i know if i don't snore when i'm sleeping? Hmmmm...

talking about sound, i have been living in denial, neglection and silence for four days. am i going to shut my mouth forever? I've got a lot of things to say to him but the words never come out right. Never. i just suck out what i have in mind.

It's 12.46 a.m now. Maybe i should join my niece, join her beautiful dreams. I've promised to take her for a jog at taman tomorrow morning after subuh. Teruja gila dia siap prepare baju and seluar segala. Children. Excited about almost everything.

Come to think of it,
How long should he keep himself silent?

*Adakah saya sudah serik dengan cinta atau cinta yang serik dengan saya?*