KL or KB?


It's holiday again. Counting each second for me to go home. Tick... Tick... Tick.. Tick... Nak balik kampung ke nak pegi kl? If I go home i can meet Koko. But money will fly. Home is so irresistible i could not help myself to go shopping. Want to buy this and that especially foods. Nak pegi kl. Nak ronda-ronda mengurangkan kekacauan jiwa. Nak jumpa Hujan by chance. They are performing at Planet Hollywood tomorrow, kalau ada jodoh berjumpalah aku dengan Encik Noh Rambut Tembikai.

So, apa solution nyer? Start the engine, KL here i come. After 2 days, balik KB!

"Mulakan langkahku dengan nicesepatu."