A question
If i want to update the blog, what topic should i write about?
I know this is a little too soon but Hello little embryo! Mommy and Daddy welcome you to the world.
readmore»»Aku & Ayah
Mesti you all semua hairan kenapa entri yang berkisarkan kisah kawin ni diberikan tajuk "Aku & Ayah" bukan "Aku & Suami Marilah Kita Menshaggy Secara Halal". Sebabnya ada kisah yang nak diceritakan yang berlaku beberapa hari sebelum hari bersejarah itu.
As u guys already know, i had some minor surgery a few weeks before my wedding. Entry pasal surgery tu i tulis separuh jalan je sebab i x reti nak cerita. I bukan penglipurlara yang baik so kalau i rajin lepas ni i sambung tulis lagi. Sepanjang proses surgery I selalu teringat balik masa I kecik dalam darjah 1 kalau x silap, i baru mula belajar naik basikal and bila dah rasa macam terer macam flying without wings i pun terus fly ke dalam longkang. Habis satu badan basah bau longkang, kening berdarah, hidung pun rasa macam dah lari allignment. Jiran-jiran and all my childhood friends semua tolong angkat I from longkang. But the first name that i called was "Ayah." I was crying for him until he rushed back from his office. Lepas badan kene cuci disabun wangi2 semua, he took me to the hospital. I pegang tangan ayah x lepas2 sampai la ke operation theatre. Kening i berlubang so nak kene jahit. Atas katil bedah pun i was still crying sebut2 nama dia and still holding his hand sampai la i lost consciousness lepas kene bius. And i know sepanjang i kene operate, he was waiting there for me. I knew because i could feel his presence near me.
My akad nikah would be held on Saturday 5th of June. So on that wednesday 2nd of June i departed from raub. At 3 pm i went to fetch my dad at lipis railway station. Lepas fetch dia, terus kami pulang ke kota bharu. On the way back, suddenly i received a call from this kakak bridal asking for the direction to my house sebab dia nak pasang pelamin on that day. Hati pun berbunga2 bila fikir sampai rumah pelamin dah tersergam indah. But i didn't inform my dad about it. I did mention to him that i would like to have a pelamin just to snap pictures. Not for the purpose of bersanding because i know the hukum of bersanding. Bersanding adalah haram sbb ia meniru budaya agama Hindu. And my father just kept quiet about it.
We reached home at 9 p.m. So i masuk rumah and saw the pelamin. I pun naik ke atas nak tengok bilik pengantin. Both were gorgeous. After observing the room, i pun turun bawah and told my mom how i like the room. Then she told me, ayah was very mad at me. I went to search for him in his room. His face was like scarlet red and he was packing his bag while mumbling "Ayah nak lari." I tried to explain to him but he insisted on running away. When my mom saw him packing his bag, she tried to stop him, to calm him and ask him to berbincang. But my dad only saw red. Aku pun dah x tahu nak buat apa nk cakap apa. When he was leaving, my mom peluk dia menangis-nangis begging him not to leave. Can u imagine my feeling in that situation? So aku pun bagitahu ayah aku akan call akak bridal tu to take off the pelamin. Xpelah aku berkorban just for him. But even though aku cakap macam tu kat ayah, dalam hati aku ni bergolak dengan macam-macam perasaan. So i took my car keys, started the engine, and went off.
Yes i ran away that night. Dalam kereta i was crying like it's the end of the world and i was without a place to go. I was totally heartbroken. Rasa nak call off the wedding. Like everything is ruined. My dream crushed. The picture of the wedding faded away. I pergi round satu kota bharu in tears. Tried to call mr.Fiance but couldn't get through since he was on the way back to his kampung too. When I stopped at the petrol station, he called. Aku meraung-raung cerita kat dia and bagitahu dia aku lari dari rumah and xnak balik2 dah. He tried to console me. Asking me to go back. He said, it's ok if ayah x bagi pasang pelamin, sbb yang penting keberkatan dari dia yang menentukan kebahagiaan kami.
I stayed at the petrol station for almost an hour. Then I received a call from ma. Dia menangis-nangis mintak aku balik rumah. When i heard her crying, i also cried telling her i felt so embarassed to go home. Rasa macam anak derhaka. But she kept begging me and telling me ayah was not angry anymore and he was waiting for me outside the house. So i drove home slowly. My sister also called me suruh balik since it was already late. When i was about to reach the house, i parked the car several metres away because i didn't have the courage to return home. Duduk lagi dalam kereta. Then my brother in law found me and he went back home to inform my sister. After a few minutes, my sister came and sit next to me into the car telling me how my dad is worried about me. I pun luahkan semua perasaan to my sister. Then we went back home.
Sampai di rumah, ma sambut aku and suruh aku jumpa ayah. Ayah came to me and i held his hand seeking for his forgiveness. Aku peluk ayah and cried on his shoulder. Dia pujuk aku tepuk2 belakang aku and bagitahu yang dia x marah dan dia sayangkan aku. When he did that, i could feel he really cares about me. Sayangnya ayah kat aku. Kasihnya dia pada anak perempuan bongsu dia yang dia tatang baik2.
And that night, i lost sleep. I thought it would just end there. Tapi the next morning, i still cannot heal the broken heart. Aku lari lagi pergi PCB untuk tenangkan diri. And after that i went to finish some errands with the intention of "not staying at home for the rest of the day". I called my sist-in-law, Kak Irni, who has been playing the biggest role for my wedding. I told her everything about that night. And she went to tell my brother. Then my brother called me. He was very shocked to know about this. He advised me a lot of things which surprisingly really calmed me down. He told me that i'm the anak emas of ma and ayah. They have sacrificed a lot for me in terms of money and energy. So why can't i sacrifice my dream for them. And yes, i agreed to what my brother said. Even though i'm 28 this year, i'm still their favourite child. Daddy's little girl. In my family, i receive the most attention from my parents. Everything that i want, they would provide them for me.
So then i gave in. Aku xnak jadi anak yang derhaka. I don't want to do something which i might regret in the future. Jangan disebabkan pelamin yang tidak mendapat keberkatan, rumahtangga aku dilanda badai. Memang sedih mengenangkan pelamin anganku dimusnahkan ayah sendiri. But if i were given a choice between dreams and barakah, i choose barakah. Barakah from the Almighthy.
"I am a wife now. But i will always be your little girl, Ayah."
Adakah anda seorang wanita?
Adakah anda mempunyai ketiak?
Adakah anda mempunyai bulu ketiak?
Adakah anda mencukur bulu ketiak anda?
Sekiranya semua jawapan anda adalah 'YA', maka teruskan bacaan anda.
Dulu, masa zaman belajar di UTM, aktiviti solo yang sering dilakukan ialah mencukur mahupun mencabut armpit hair. Tetapi kadang-kadang aktiviti ini dilakukan secara duo bila ada rakan yang sudi untuk tolong cabutkan bulu ketiak. Seriously. ada juga member yang ikhlas berbuat begitu. Siapa ya? Was it Hani? or Cik Jah? hmmm.. lupa dah...
And aktiviti solo masih diteruskan sehingga sekarang. Gila tak tebas nanti kutu boleh buat rumah kat situ. So it's like once a week mestilah shave kan biar ketiak sentiasa bersih dan licin. Baru sentiasa berasa confident nak mensosialkan diri.
Anywaysssssssssssss... do you know that shaving is not good for us especially us girls?
Rentetan daripada my previous entry, i went to Hospital Pusrawi to check the lump beneath the skin of my armpit. The service there was superb compared to government hospitals. The doctor that i made an appointment with was Dr. Razipah. When i told her my problem, she popped out the question "u cukur ke bulu ketiak?". of course la i jawab yes. then she explained to me what actually causes the lump. i can't re-explain here but to my comprehension, shaving causes the surface of the skin becomes coarse and clogged. so kalau the surface of the skin tu dah kene clog, the sweats that u abundantly produce there will get stucked. and it can also cause ingrown hair. that's why mula-mula tu i thought it was some kind of pimple sebab memang rasa macam pimple pun.
Dr. Razipah told me if i go to clinics ke hospital biasa ke, the doctor will just give some antibiotics and the lump will get smaller. But never disappear. So the best way is to remove the lump baru lah dia dah tak tumbuh-tumbuh balik dah.
So then, this friday i shall undergo the surgery sebab sudah tidak tahan lagi sama itu bau yg terhasil bila sweating. Harus wangi la kan nak kahwin ni nanti kesian kat encik suami cium ketiak busuk eiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tak malunya i buat statement yang agak lucah sebegini.
Jadi kawan-kawan sila doakan semoga operasi pembuangan lump hari jumaat ini akan berjaya. Takut ni! Seriyes!
Gulp....... readmore»»
going for a check
from the picture, u can see a small lump near the armpit. so yeah, i have that thing. dah lama dia menapak di situ tanpa membayar sewa dan juga cukai. before this it felt like a small pimple, seriously i did not take it seriously. but lama-lama, it got bigger and bigger and bigger and sampai tersembul keluar mencurahkan segala isi di dalam seperti gunung berapi exskhjauleif (x tau nak eja) dekat finland tu . okay just exaggerating. tapi memang betul dia membesar dengan sihat dan kuat.
scared macam paranoid so i buat keputusan nak pergi check di hospital pusrawi tomorrow. government hospital sucks. and cuti rehat khas dah diapply, appointment dengan doktor pakar pun dah buat jadi kita tunggu saja apa kata doktor esok. doktor, tolong bagitahu benda yang baik-baik je ye. kesian kat saya. saya nak kawin bulan 6 jadi tolong ye doktor? readmore»»
Torture Diet!
saat ini i can see stars and birdies dancing around my head. not because i'm on cloud nine. tapi sebab aku laparrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
starting from today until this coming sunday, i'm doing this torture diet suggested by a dear friend of mine. if i really follow the plan, i can lose 3-4 kgs in a week.
so why u're doing this? bukan ke kau dah kurus?
kurus ketika hari bekerja sahaja sebab aku jaga makan minum and exercise. tapi sampai je hujung minggu, i'm feasting! so it's like no point at all la kan? just like last weekend, i splurged on chicken chop, some meatballs, a bowl of broccoli, daim cake and creme caramel at ikea (they are all so tempting!). then 4-5 hours later makan bihun tomyam dekat midvalley. ini perut ke lori sampah?
so the solution for this problem is, i'll endure this torture diet. And for the first day, i can only eat fruits (except for bananas). plain water kena minum 10 gelas. To Encik Toilet, i'll visit you time and again!
por favor!
So here's the thing, i assigned the form 3 students to do a role-play on a job interview. Why job interview? Actually this is just an enrichment activity for them since they are going to learn how to write a job application letter later. And i believe this can be a preparation for a real world to all the kids.
Their role-play was awesome. Some were serious and some were hilarious. Hampir nak pecah perut aku tengok diorang berlakon. Never thought they are a bunch of talented students. I also recorded all the role-plays and now i'm having this difficulty to decide which group did their very best. So i'm requesting you guys to help me to decide. Below are the videos. And sorry because the sound quality is not good. Jadi sila guna speaker yg best2.
Jason's Group
Aimran's group
light update
life at this point is great. and u know why obviously. a lot of things have changed. in terms of career, i no longer teach in mahmud. heck i don't want to remember the humiliating part when we were kicked here and there like a football. still missing mahmud though but then may be there are reasons for things to happen. instead of the work piles, i find peace and harmony in the current school (yeah current, because i won't stay long there). i become more dedicated, more responsible, more diligent than before. and the students are more brilliant. and the best part is i quit handling tarian! finally after 3 years. tapi kene handle kelab aerobik pulak. sigh.
anyway, i would like to thank the Almighty for giving me all this opportunity. aku dapat merasa mengajar di sekolah yang bagus, dapat memperbaiki diri, dapat menempuhi cabaran dengan tenang. pantang maut sebelum ajal, right everyone? readmore»»
Gimik Artis!
Setelah hampir 4 bulan bersalin, akhirnya Syeida Alli menayangkan anaknya ke khalayak umum. Sekian, wassalam.